From the A&E movie freedom riders I learned that all freedom riders weren't black, and they fought for what they believed in no matter what.I also learned that they went through very tough obstacles but continued to fight in non violence. What I mostly love about them is that they fought verbally & not with they're fist.
When my class & I went to the National History Museum Learned why and how this is so important even 150 years after the "Emancipation Proclamation". I also realized that a freedom rider became an congress man an accomplished his goals of being a freedom rider. When I was their i had a question that i still would like to know, and that is " Did you ever fill that your leader spoke to continue your travel after you were beaten".
I believe that this connected to my everyday life because I might not be able to have the opportunity to be sold the things I have, to meet the friends I have, and be tought by Ms. Trenkle (8th grade History techer).
I believe that I was connected mostly to Congressman John Lewis. I believe this because I seriously was loooking into becoming an Congressman. Even though he was a Feedom Rider he is an Congressman, even though he was highly hated by White's that goes to show you do what you want in life
Nicely done Jamar